working on how to bring solutions of transition towards more responsible lifestyles


June 21, 2009

RE-act awarded!

1. The project Re-act won the 1st prize of the 5th edition of the french competition Concours Génération Développement Durable. The enthusiasm caused by the project leads me to consider the concretization of the service more and more seriously. I will keep you informed on this blog.
To read the article of the partner and the video published on dailymotion (both in French).

2. I have also been rewarded "Student of the Year 2009"- Business Category given by Universum, thanks to my Master thesis.

Since the project has been publish, I had the occasion to answer various interviews, it was often asked to me to describe specified and the originality of the project, here what I answered:
Re-act proposes a new step: to integrate the users into the design of the products in order to allow better a management of consumption. The consumers become thus actors of their consumption. They are developed by the choices which they make, first of all ethical point of view while acting as agreement with their values, but also from a creative point of view, because they take share with the creation of their new clothing. The specificity of the service Re-act also rests on the industrialization of the process of recycling, indeed the fact of recycling the textile is not new, but to is not carried either of all. By centralizing the creative process (design of the preconceived models) the system Re-act can develop geographically, by multiplying the shops whereas only one creative office is necessary. The service is thus accessible to the greatest number and thus gives the possibility to all of recycling if such is their choice.

Links to the published articles on Internet in the news section of my portfolio.


Voluntary simplicity ??

Voluntary Simplicity is a lifestyle consisting in voluntarily reducing our dependence to the tangible properties. More precisely, it is a social movement, at base more individual than institutional, which proposes to each one to reduce its dependence to the money and the speed, to release from time for the community rather than to use it to earn more money, and to support the ecological and respectful behaviors of the company (...).
I chose to work with these persons because I think that this philosophy is a big step to responsible consumption (what I want to promote with my social design approach).