working on how to bring solutions of transition towards more responsible lifestyles


March 1, 2009

Sustainable Clothing - Conclusion

What is interesting in this project, it is that textile creation is not approached any more only like a way to express creativity. This service gives an opinion, it evokes another lifestyle through the proposal to consume clothing in a responsible way. It takes position and goes much further that the fact of affirming a style or a vestimentary taste. Thanks to Re-act, we see that the expression by Lavoisier* attains its full meaning, and also for clothing we can say that:
“Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”

I will write here a more detailed conclusion as soon as possible.
* whose initial author is Anaxagore de Clazomènes

.see the finished project. .an insight of my Master's thesis.

If you are interested by the synthesis of the project, the reading of my Master's thesis, or for all other questions, feel free to contact me at magalie.pedrono[at]
And find me on LinkedIn!


  1. Products that are organic, recycled or produced in harmony with nature, form the base of eco friendly clothing. Apart from being gentle on the Earth, eco friendly clothing is fashionable enough for 'showing off' and plus it is unique among other clothing. Organic clothing also represents a return to safe and sustainable practices.

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Voluntary simplicity ??

Voluntary Simplicity is a lifestyle consisting in voluntarily reducing our dependence to the tangible properties. More precisely, it is a social movement, at base more individual than institutional, which proposes to each one to reduce its dependence to the money and the speed, to release from time for the community rather than to use it to earn more money, and to support the ecological and respectful behaviors of the company (...).
I chose to work with these persons because I think that this philosophy is a big step to responsible consumption (what I want to promote with my social design approach).