working on how to bring solutions of transition towards more responsible lifestyles


October 8, 2008

Project description

Sustainable Clothing: clothing designed as a cycle

Observations and reports
Whereas the concept of sustainable development is increasingly present, the solutions making it possible to align itself there miss and that mainly because the current society is based on the act of purchase, and it is this behavior even which slows down the progression: overconsumption being with the antipodes of a durable, bearable behavior.
In spite of the recent evolutions which one can note in the fields of transport and the food, others, subjected to the phenomena of modes, are much more complex to solve. And one particularly notes it in clothing. The fashion in this field indicates the manner of being dressed, in accordance with the one time taste in a given area. But the fashion also became according to Dominique Boisvert* a “mechanism social which makes it possible to renew constantly the desires while returning it the yesterday out-of-date ones and is mainly used to justify the perpetual replacement of the objects of consumption. ”
The objects, which act of clothing or accessories, then become quickly obsolete and rejected before even being out of use. This phenomenon of overconsumption is thus harmful in many points: first of all because it involves a heavy overproduction reflected some: pollution, exploitation of the resources, bad conditions of the workers, but that is also detrimental socially speaking because it creates an imbalance between those which can and those which cannot follow the system.

One can however notice, on behalf of certain creators and producers, the efforts made in the design of the products (biological, equitable clothing…), but nothing is proposed to change the act of purchase. Clothing changes in the form or the composition but the solutions suggested is summarized to be a fashion like the others: fashion of durable, ethics.

On behalf of the consumers, one also notes an evolution of behavior: in Canada for example, a new design is developing very quickly: voluntary simplicity, where how to reduce its dependence to the money and the speed and to support the ecological and respectful behaviors of the company.
The French as for them are interested more and more in the responsible behaviors: as indicates it study CREDOC “Of the thought to the action, the eight ways of doing move the French” dating from the first half of 2007, they are 35,6% to want to imply itself but “are rather in waiting of directions for use that in active research”.
It's to these people that I wish to bring solutions, because even these people who choose less to consume have needs, and to seek to answer it, it is to some extent to facilitate their step and why not also attract others towards this attitude.
To think of the creation of products and/or service for people not consumerists is a challenge interesting to raise, because if they work, if they attract these “consum-actors”*, it's that they are really useful for them and it's the proof that they really enable to adopt a responsible behavior…
(*hard to translate, it's a french pun between consommateurs, simple consumers and consom-acteurs, those who want to be actors, when they consume)

How to reduce consumption and thus production of new textiles in clothing while satisfying the usual needs and desires related to this consumption?
Can we combine need for renewal, appropriation of clothing and non-consumerist attitude?
Which tools propose to these people who wants to consume clothing in a responsible way?

Creation of a system (produced and service) socially responsible and economically viable allowing the people having chosen to consume in a way conscious and responsible of getting dressed according to their desires while respecting their convictions.
To contribute thus, by proposing alternative solutions with the existing models, to reduce pollution related to the overproduction of clothing.

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Voluntary simplicity ??

Voluntary Simplicity is a lifestyle consisting in voluntarily reducing our dependence to the tangible properties. More precisely, it is a social movement, at base more individual than institutional, which proposes to each one to reduce its dependence to the money and the speed, to release from time for the community rather than to use it to earn more money, and to support the ecological and respectful behaviors of the company (...).
I chose to work with these persons because I think that this philosophy is a big step to responsible consumption (what I want to promote with my social design approach).