working on how to bring solutions of transition towards more responsible lifestyles


October 6, 2008

design and voluntary simplicity

Welcome everybody!

First of all, just to introduce myself:
Formed as industrial designer, I don't find interests any more to be working in a domain in which the main purpose is to create objects for consumption, and it even though some of them can be better conceived, ecologically bearable etc... because in my opinion, it's not the better way to improve people's quality of life.
That's why for 2 years already, I have directed myself towards the social design in order to create products and services centered on the real human needs. In addition, I am now in search of another way to exercise my creativity so it serve for the development of responsible lifestyles, by proposing alternative systems which make it possible to adopt a reduced and reasoned consumption, for example.
I use now the tools and the strategy of the design in order to attract the consumers towards more responsible behaviors, and to gradually enable them to be autonomous (in their acts, their thought etc.).
So I conceive my job like a “help with the transition” and my main motivation is anchored in the emergency there is to change massively in our Western way of life. I would like to contribute by offering adapted services.
Here is for presentation.

I currently prepare my degree project on an exceedingly polluting (for the planet or for our dailylife) but not much treated domain: clothing.
This domain subjected to fashion and heavily loaded with emotional (aesthetics, assertiveness etc) is difficult to deal in term of "sustainability" because, based on the act of purchase and of accumulation, it's the exact opposite of a responsible behaviour.

I want to work for people having chosen to live according to the principles of voluntary simplicity or in transition towards this way of life, and all the people in general which consumes in a responsible way.

This blog will be a way to show all my advances and experiments and to communicate with people who wants to take part of my project.
Please do not hesitate to tell me your comments and suggestions and to contact me if you want to work on it with me.
Thank you very much


1 comment:

Voluntary simplicity ??

Voluntary Simplicity is a lifestyle consisting in voluntarily reducing our dependence to the tangible properties. More precisely, it is a social movement, at base more individual than institutional, which proposes to each one to reduce its dependence to the money and the speed, to release from time for the community rather than to use it to earn more money, and to support the ecological and respectful behaviors of the company (...).
I chose to work with these persons because I think that this philosophy is a big step to responsible consumption (what I want to promote with my social design approach).